‘Mama, come here’, I heard my son calling out to me this morning after I knocked on his door to wake him up for school.
At first, I thought he was telling me ‘good morning’ as he often does. I replied ‘Dobro jutro’ – ‘good morning’ in Croatian – and waited. When I listened once more, I realised he wanted me to come into his room. I worried that his eye was worse than last night.
‘I don’t feel well’, he stated. And I could clearly see he was unwell. Thankfully, the redness in his right eye was gone, but he had a fever and felt cold.
He had spent the weekend at his father’s place. Both his father and stepmother were ill. Something he discovered when he arrived there Friday evening. Yet, he decided to stay as he had some gifts to give them. Ones he bought on our trip.
He texted me last night to come pick him up as his father was too sick to drive him. After we returned home, we sat at the table for a few minutes eating some of the small lemon poppy seed cake I had made yesterday afternoon. It was then that I noticed the redness in his eye. I was concerned, but he assured me that he ‘googled’ the symptoms and found that it wasn’t anything to worry about and would go away on its own. Shortly afterwards, he went to bed.
He slept most of today, whilst I worked in my study, and woke up later in the afternoon to eat the pea soup I made for lunch. During a break in my work, I cast on stitches for my fourth hat of the past two weeks. This time, I was working with more colours than previously. A combination of brown with mint green, pink, yellow, and orange. The variations of the colours make knitting more intriguing as the changes from one colour to the next reveal an unexpected pattern. Later in the evening, I continued to knit and then wound up the yarn for my next hat. One mostly in deep blues with hints of green.
Yarns for hats and third knitted hat of this year (not yet blocked)
It’s hard to believe that January is coming to a close before the week’s end. I look forward to seeing how the remaining eleven months of the year unfold and working towards a better future.