
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



The dusting of snow that fell overnight has now almost completely melted. The snowfall that prevented schools from being open today. The melting of which eliminated the possibility of another ‘snow day’ tomorrow. But it was a great day to stay indoors, which is not much different for me any other day.

Having completed my work for the day, I took to finishing my first hat of the new year, after taking a month off from knitting before and during our vacation. The various greens and browns of the hand dyed merino yarn, interspersed with flecks of pink, made for an interesting pattern on both sides of the hat.

Immediately after having removed the hat from all of the double-pointed needles, I started my next hat with a yarn that is mostly an off white with olive tones and speckles of dark olive throughout. Reminiscent of trees in snow.

Knitting has become an escape of sorts. A creative endeavour. Many years have passed since I opened my Etsy shop and started to knit baby hats and cocoons for newborn photographers. The time when my newborn son was my hat model.

In the past year, I have finally delved into knitting hats for adults. After many months of researching and purchasing the various yarns and needles I wanted to use, I was ready to return to my journey of knitting.

The process of developing my hat pattern is something that has taken many months to refine. In the early months of last summer, I came to a standstill with the designs and decided to give up. For a while. That is when I shifted to knitting up scarves. Eighteen of them, in diverse colours. Then I returned to working on my hat pattern after the summer months were over, and am now at the point where I have developed a pattern with which I am satisfied. For the time being.

Whilst I was working in my study, my son was busy in his room putting together a new Lego Technic set. Having had both Monday and today off from school has given him time to pursue his own hobbies. Although he wasn’t happy to learn he doesn’t get another snow day tomorrow.