
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



The hours before dawn. A cherished time to sit in the quiet and peacefulness of the start of a new day. One with endless possibilities and dreams to be realised before reality sets in. Before the subsequent events of the day battle with those dreams to attempt to eliminate their existence.

One wonders why we are so unprepared for our middle years. For the time in our lives when we should be enjoying those years. Whether with family or on our own. A time when we are still able to travel and explore life instead of being chained to the financial responsibility of society’s demands.

Struggling with the desire to stand up for ourselves, our beliefs. Then facing the reprimands of the consequences of doing so. In essence, being told to go against our character and to hold our tongues. To stay silent. To ‘just let it go’. So, we briefly give in to the reprimands as a flickering flame inside us fights to burn brighter after each encounter. Waiting until the day’s end when we can reflect and dismiss those harmful experiences. Replacing them with our own aspirations.

A responsibility of parenting is to make sure that our children go on to have more successes in life than we did. Any opportunity that presents itself, I let my children know they should work as hard as they can in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, so that when they finally reach their 50s, they are able to do what they want to do.

To be able to travel with their children or friends instead of worrying about having to fit in a relaxing vacation in the two weeks we might have available to us. Or to be able to sit in silence with the next book in our growing library at any hour of the day or enjoy other interests we have, instead of only being able to utilise those precious hours before dawn and after sunset.

How wonderful would it be if we could make our dreams a reality. Not letting the worries of the day interfere with our plans for our future selves. To be able to stay on track, to not be distracted, to not let someone’s words influence us in any negative way.

Those hours after sunset. A time revered for its reflection of the hours in between. Another peacefulness to the end of the day. One where possibilities and dreams start to awaken once again. Our minds and thoughts unchained and set free to once again visualise a better future.