
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.




‘All you talk about is Teslas!’

‘All you talk about is hair!’

Such was the conversation, or rather bickering, that went on between my 11-year old son and 12-year old daughter as we drove to Trader Joe’s late this afternoon after work. Cinnamon was happy about having spent the morning straightening her hair and pulling up sections on either side into ponytails. Sage did not care to hear about her hair and was instead excited to talk about Tesla cars to anyone who would listen. Or not listen, in this case.

‘Gas lover!’ continued Sage as the arguing intensified. For some reason my son is so fascinated by the battery powered cars to the point that he tells me I need to get one. Out of curiosity I did happen to take a look at the Model X in dark grey online last week but that is completely out of my ‘single mother trying to survive’ budget.

My son can point out any Tesla car and know which model it is simply by looking at the door handles. Last weekend when we went driving around, he saw all of the models and then proceeded to tell me how the car doors of each model open. He also mentioned that somewhere someone stated that all of the model types spell out SEXY CARS. ‘S’ stands for Model S, ‘E’ stands for Model 3 (named such because a model E already exists somewhere), ‘X’ stands for Model X – his dream car, ‘Y’ stands for Model Y, whilst ‘C’ is for the Cybertruck, ‘A’ is for ATV Cyberquad, ‘R’ is for the Roadster, and ‘S’ is for the Semitruck.

When we arrived at the parking lot at Trader Joe’s and got out of our gas powered minivan, Sage saw a couple parking a Model 3 two cars away from us. I inquired about the opening of the doors and he then explained to me that the Model X is the only car which has the Falcon wing doors, as he calls them. He pointed excitedly to the car whilst his sister reprimanded him.

‘You can’t point at people like that!’ He didn’t seem to care but when we left the parking lot, at the same time again as the Tesla owners, his sister noticed that the couple looked over to him pointing. I drove away as quickly as possible.

Once home, the kids got dressed for an evening by the pool. As I lay on the lounge chairs, I put my headphones on to listen to UNSECRET and Zayde Wolf and watched the kids to make sure that the football, that was being tossed about from one pool to the other by a group of five or so people, would not hit one of my kids in the head.


We stayed until 20,00h and then went back to our still pleasantly empty apartment, aside from the new washer which arrived today. I made pasta with Parmesan and Cantazano herbs for the girls. Sage chose to eat blueberry waffles and I wasn’t hungry. And so ends yet another day filled with summer adventure.
