
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



All of the ingredients were measured out into various bowls. The shredded carrots. The light muscavado sugar. Plain flour sat in another bowl with the baking powder, soda, salt, and spices. All awaiting the arrival of the orange zest.

After having visited Sage at school for lunch, I returned home to measure out the ingredients for his birthday cake. Today he turned seven. During his lunch he asked me if I was making the same carrot cake I made for him last year. 'Yes', I told him. 'The baby one' he asked as he wanted to know if it was the 5-inch cake. He also specified two layers. I told him 'yes' to all of his requests.

I had discovered one ingredient I did not have. The orange for the orange zest. Though I could have left it out, I decided to go to the store to get the missing ingredient. But not before a detour to the apartment community near my children's new school. I had to find out my options and availability before I contacted the landlord and before my summer plans began.

The decision to move closer to the children's new school was not one I made in haste. I ruminated and pondered and wondered for weeks whether this is the decision I should make. Perhaps that is why I never bothered to set up our beds or the kitchen or move any of the furniture out of the way. For the sake of the children and our future I realised sacrifices were needed.

Upon my return home and after acquiring the oranges, I turned on the oven to warm up only to discover it having turned off by itself five minutes later. The power was gone. I waited for ten minutes before sending a text to inform Sage's father of my dilemma as he was planning on dropping off Sage at my place for the night for our celebration with cake and presents.

I waited another 10 or 15 minutes before deciding our celebration was to be delayed until the weekend. Though it saddened me greatly to have to miss out on celebrating with Sage, I hoped he would at least enjoy the time with his other family and not worry about separating his time between two households this time.

Happy 7th birthday, my son.