The parcel arrived yesterday though not at my door. Due to last night's cold weather I decided to wait until I picked up my son at the bus stop to get the parcel from the mail locker. The game I ordered to start our collection of games was here as were two books for me to read during these cold winter nights.
The weather app showed me it was colder here in Austin than in Ireland where my husband lives. We have had a reversal of temperatures as he enjoyed 12 degree Celsius weather whilst I bundled up in my winter jacket to battle the 3 degrees Celsius we were experiencing. As such, I have the heater turned on day and night.
As soon as we got home and Sage changed clothes, he tore into the package as he was excited for us to play. We sat on the bed and balanced our cases on pillows. Somehow I remember a sturdier version from my childhood. This version is not as robust since the slightest bump sends the pegs and ships off the grid. The plastic case used to be stronger and the pegs were larger. But we continued to play.
At one point we were both one ship away from winning. I just happened to guess his last ship placement before he had a chance to guess the location on mine. As a result, I won this time but I am sure he will beat me in the future.
I do not recall a specific night designated as game night when I was growing up in Oregon but I remember playing games and putting together puzzles as we sat around our dining room table. As I continue to search for games to add to our family collection I hope the children will fondly remember the times we sat together as a family for game night.