
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



sage reads sam i am

'Are you proud of me', asked Sage as he finished Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham this morning at record speed.

'I am very proud of you', I answered. He had been reading that particular book throughout the summer break whilst at his father's place and wanted to prove to me that he could indeed read the 'easy peasy lemon squeezy baby book' as he called it. Somewhere along the way he learned the strange phrases as well.

My son's greatest fear thus far is being put back in kindergarten for his not being able to read though he fully proved the opposite today and times before. Somehow he believes he is not good enough but I know differently. I have seen him assemble Lego sets intended for 16-year olds in no time at all as well as put together a 500-piece puzzle in a matter of a few days.

With the new school year about to commence in the morning, there will be many challenges both Sage and his siblings will have to face both academically and personally. Going between two homes every other week cannot be easy for them to deal with yet somehow they do though it takes at least one full day of adjustment at both places.

A new schedule with rituals to follow will take a while to get used to. There will be no more sleeping in or going to bed past 8pm. Challenges will continue and we all must simply learn to adapt the best we can until at one point things come close to being easy peasy.