
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



nurse saffron

Cinnamon and Sage ran to their beds the minute we arrived home after school. They both complained of feeling ill and tired whilst exhibiting a slight fever at the same time. Saffron felt well and took over the duties of taking care of Sage as I took care of Cinnamon.

At one point, Saffron came into the room and let me know she was going to read 'The Library Lion' to Sage. This was the book I got him for his birthday this past weekend and one we had planned on reading together. However, Saffron reading it to him was a kind gesture from her and one I am certain her brother appreciated.

She brought him water and talked with him as well. Prior to reading the book to him, she worked on fixing the puzzle ball which they had taken apart yesterday. When all was complete, she set it on the table in front of his bed and continued to watch over him.

When I returned to Sage's room some time later, Sage asked if he could marry me when he got older. This was the second time in the past few weeks he had asked this and I had to explain to him again this was not a possibility. His wish was to stay with me when he got older. Saffron then explained to him I would be much older when he was old enough to marry.

One wonders at which point the innocence of children gets replaced by the loss of that innocence. The experiences in life shape who we become and continue to define our character. Some people go through life with few bad occurrences crossing their paths whilst others experience what seems to be more than their fair share of pain and unhappiness.

Finding the strength to get through the bad to get to the good is one of life's many challenges we learn to overcome as years pass. Time brings on wisdom or at least it should. My children have gone through much turmoil in their short time in this world but my hope is at some point they find peace and rest in order to return to their innocence of childhood.

In times of hardship and illness, my children come together and support each other. Certainly Saffron, my little nurse, has proven this to be true as she took care of her brother when he needed it the most. Soon they will return to the normality of siblings and fight like cats and dogs, but for now I am enjoying the tranquil moments of the day.