
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



sad sage

The first Monday of the new year did not start out too well for my son. He was tired at six this morning, despite having gone to bed by 7pm. We all made it to the bus stop on time and I planned to see my children after school. Originally they were supposed to board the return bus home in the afternoon going to their father's house. However, since I did not hear back from him yesterday, I was unsure of his being home to pick them up from the bus stop.

Before I awoke the children this morning, I sent another email to their teachers informing them to put the children on the bus to my home this afternoon. I was planning on having a snack ready for them, doing their homework with them if they had any, and letting them play with the next Lego set until 6pm when they would be returned to their father's place.

After the children left for school and after my workout at the gym, I received an email from the children's father letting me know he would be calling the school to switch busses. I advised against the plan and informed him I will bring the children to his place after school as they had left some items at my place and since I already told Sage and Cinnamon they would be boarding the bus to my place.

In the meantime, I showered and got ready for the first food shopping trip of this year. It was apparent the holidays are over. The streets were not as crowded and parking spaces were abundant at both Central Market and Whole Foods. The displays changed from 'everything Christmas' to 'everything Valentine's Day'. I was surprised I did not see any Easter bunnies. Perhaps next week.

I bought the Parrano cheese which Cinnamon requested and the cheddar cheese Sage wanted. Vegetables were included in my cart as well as three large Honeycrisp apples. I stopped at the fish counter at Whole Foods and discussed seasonality of the various fish. The Chilean sea bass, the guy informed me, was available year round. He told me despite it being an 'ugly fish', it was buttery and tasty. I ordered a six-ounce portion for tomorrow's dinner.

The clock struck three and it was time to pick up the children from the bus stop. The change of the afternoon schedule upset my son. 'But my teacher said...' he started to say as soon as I told him of the alternate plan. He interpreted his teacher telling him he would board the bus to my place to mean he got to spend an extra night with me. He cried and protested against having to leave. Once again, there was nothing I could do except tell him I would see him and his sister Friday at 6pm.

During my lunchtime talk with Saffron on Skype, we determined she will have to spend three more Mondays in Berlin. Then she returns home. On the fourth Monday. I will be at the airport awaiting her arrival. The first week of February is my ex's week to have the children - all three of them. I will be taking Saffron for one day of that week before my departure to Ireland on Wednesday the fourth and will be glad when the three children are finally together again.