“Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you in their life.”
True love transcends and conquers all challenges, regardless of their size. Disagreements, misunderstandings, and mistakes are part of life and love. Learning how to overcome them and move forward is what is most important, for life is too short to give up and miss out on what could be something wonderful.
This morning Sage and I drove downtown for breakfast at The Hideout. The place was nearly empty as were the streets when we walked around afterwards. Eating out is a treat as it is not something we do often. As such, the experience is much more enjoyable as it is not taken for granted.
Sage was delighted we sat in the two chairs on the stage. He enjoyed his pumpkin bread as I savoured my two breakfast burritos - ones without eggs - and a cappuccino. He asked if he could have the pumpkin shaped cookie by the register as his dessert, claiming the pumpkin bread was breakfast. I told him he could choose a cookie at Whole Foods as I did not see anything else I thought would be as good as the pumpkin bread he was eating.
Afterwards, we walked around for a few minutes before heading back to the car. We passed by The Driskill where Sage was fascinated by the old Ford car parked in front. 'Mama, take a picture' I heard him say. Naturally I obliged as who can resist such a smile. He then wondered how the tire suspended in the front - above the one touching the road - was able to turn. I told him it was a spare.
At Whole Foods my boy discovered the large gingerbread house displayed in the bakery section. He was fascinated by the real candy and cookies 'glued' to the outside walls of the house. The gingerbread base looked real as well. I wonder how many children have attempted to eat the house.
Once home, Sage continued building the coloured cubes from his 3D puzzle. This morning he had me break apart the two cubes I put together yesterday because he wanted to build each and every cube himself. By evening's end, he assembled 59 cubes in addition to the two from yesterday. Had it not been for mistaking the colours of the three cubes, I have no doubt all would have been completed. The colours are so close that one would have difficulty discerning the difference unless the CMY numbers were matched. I'm guessing he was tired and misread the numbers for those three cubes.
A smile, a laugh, a feeling of happiness can transcend any physical or emotional suffering we might be experiencing at the moment. A kind word, a thoughtful act, or simply a loving look is all it takes to change the course of a moment which changes the course of the future. True love has the power to overcome all things.