The morning routine almost always consists of your having to take a bath after breakfast. I'm sure I will miss this time one day in the near future, so I will have to remember to cherish it while it still lasts.
Today's lesson of the day is to always carry your house keys in your pocket while eating out in the backyard for you never know when you'll be locked out of your own home. The first time this happened, one of the girls was inside (I believe the younger one) and we talked her through the steps to unlocking the back door which involved her having to go get the stepstool.
Today, while we were eating a late lunch, our oldest daughter closed the back door as we all sat down to eat. It was hot - about 100 degrees - and we really should have eaten inside, but we love to take advantage of the warm Texas weather. So, I got up to go get something inside, as I do several times during our meals, and noticed that the back door was locked. One of the girls was playing with the lock at one point on the door knob which meant there was no way into the house. No windows or doors were unlocked and we thought we had to resort to breaking a window. After what seemed like an eternity, Papa saved the day and made it so that we could get inside. I'll leave out those details though...
You girls were then sent to your room and told that you were not going to get cake tonight, but in the end you did learn your lesson and thus got to eat cake.

Summer in Texas is so warm and full of light, which makes going to bed at 8pm so difficult as you'd rather be outside running around and pretending you are a bird.
Today's recipe can be found here