
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



‘You’re so productive’, I heard my younger daughter say as I walked into the living room to help her with the printer.

‘Yeah, today I’ve been…’, I started.

‘On a roll’, she completed.

‘Yes, on a roll’, I agreed and recalled how easily and quickly the yarn flew off my needles today.

Indeed, today I felt more productive than usual. Mostly because it is a Saturday and I am finally able to focus on what I want to do instead of what I have to do.

I was also excited to start a new scarf with the next yarn in my pile of awaiting superwash merino hand dyed yarns, as the purple and pink scarf was on my needles far longer this week than I had anticipated.

In addition to knitting, I continued reading the second book in the ‘An Áróra Investigation’ series by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, ‘Red As Blood’. At this morning’s breakfast, as we discussed where the two would like to go on their senior trips, my son expressed his desire to go to Iceland when he gets his driver’s licence so that he can drive around the island. I then mentioned that the book I was reading is set in Iceland, so it would be nice to see all of the beautiful sights for which Iceland is so well known.

Throughout the day, we got updates from my older daughter’s senior trip in Europe. One of the presents from her father upon her graduation from high school and to make up for not going on the group trip to Spain that the high school had offered. Today, she is in Malaga. Hiking and exploring the beautiful sites that the city has to offer. Also, some shopping and enjoying the great food that travel brings about.

The remainder of the day, the other two children mostly stayed in their rooms. My son enjoying the building of his Minecraft world and my daughter reluctantly working on an advanced summer course. They did manage to venture outdoors to hang out with a friend, who also lives in the complex and goes to the high school across the street, whilst I prepared dinner and called maintenance to report the malfunctioning air conditioner.

I was on the call with someone about scheduling the repair when my children walked back inside. As we started eating our dinner of chicken and rice casserole, the onsite maintenance guy called to let me know he would be out ‘as soon as I can’. It ended up being much later. Closer to 22,00h. Which thankfully gave us enough time to enjoy our Haagen Dazs.

My productive day had reached its end. I was no longer ‘on a roll’ as I waited for the report of what was causing the issue with the air conditioner having ceased to provide us with the cold air we so desperately needed today. All was fine inside, but we would have to wait until the morning light when the maintenance guy could repair the wires outdoors.