Tonight's orange sunset with a hang glider in the distance.
Torrents of rain thrashed against the windows on the opposite side of the house rousing me from a deep sleep at two this morning. As I lay wide awake watching the light show put on by nature outside my bedroom window, I thought how lonely such a storm can make one feel in the absence of someone lying next to you and comforting you.
Life brings with it a torrent of storms as well. Ones which frighten us and cause us great sadness. Yet somehow we find strength in weathering the storms of life as the storms of nature. We clean up the fallen trees and debris which the winds scatter. In life, we make mistakes. We fall. But we learn to stand back up and start over again. Somehow.
After the storm, the sun always finds a way to brighten our tomorrow. It brings us hope when all hope is lost. It teaches us to smile again. It brings us comfort until the next storms come our way and we once again find a way to move forward.