
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.


"Have fun making cake!", Saffron wished me as she left with her father on a trip to Costco yesterday afternoon. She was disappointed when I said we were not having Sunday cake this weekend.


As much as I hated to disappoint her and the others, the truth is that we're all still in recovery mode from the past week. A terrible stomach flu hit and it was not pretty.

"Do you have to puke?" and "Do you have to use the Klo?" (potty, in German) were two questions that my husband and I kept asking the children as soon as we heard the slightest of moans and coughs. No, it was not a pleasant week. The little ones have been home since Wednesday. Eating has not been a priority or desired by the children. They are all still home this Monday.

The only two things I managed to make this weekend are pizza (from the second ball of dough from Friday night's pizza baking) and tomato sauce for spaghetti. Mostly for me and my husband.

Sagey was feeling ok Saturday morning until he took a turn for the worse later that day.


Cinnamon got hit the hardest. I wished there was a magic wand to make it all go away and make all three better.​


Measure of Success

Sunday Reverie