
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



‘Are you going to see them Friday?’, I heard someone ask. It took me a few seconds to realise he was talking to me and to what he was referring as he nodded towards my shirt.

‘Oh, yes! Are you?’ I asked back. I was wearing my ‘Music for the Masses’ t-shirt I had found in one of my suitcases in the garage yesterday. One of two shirts I had bought at the concert all those years ago at the Rose Bowl, but not remembering I actually bought two. The girls suggested I wear the other one to the concert. ‘As a conversation starter’, they added.

The man went on to say that Friday will be his first time seeing Depeche Mode live in concert. I told him it will be a great show and shared with him my recent experiences seeing them with two of my children in Dublin and Rome.

We continued to talk as I waited for my middle daughter to finish buying something at the self-checkout at Target. The guy had his three daughters standing next to him and was waiting for his wife, asking her which seats they have.

‘Somewhere in the middle’, she replied as she wasn’t sure.

We left the store and continued with our Sunday. After dropping off the girls at their friend’s house, I went to Central Market for some more ingredients for the next few dinners this week. My son was home when I returned and helped me bring in the groceries before leaving for a bike ride.

In the meantime, I had a few hours alone at home. Though I would have preferred to relax, I cleaned and prepared a part of my study for rearranging of furniture later in the week. I thought how I needed to get out more amongst people. To meet people with similar interests. Working at home has its advantages but lacks in socialising with others. Which is also why I really look forward to travelling.

When my son returned home, I went for my walk. A storm was brewing. Darkened clouds made way for lightning and a few sprinkles.  I hurried home, showered, and then started dinner for us two since the girls were eating at their friend’s house. Afterwards, I went to pick them up. It was windy and dark, but the lightning was lighting up the sky.

The girls had a great time with their friend today. Swimming, talking, and enjoying a great home-cooked meal with the girl’s family. I had a nice time having all three of my children home with me, even though they were away for a few hours. Beautiful memories of a September Sunday.