
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



It seems that some days, the hours drag on endlessly, when all we want is for them to end. Mondays are a good example. Other days, we find ourselves holding on to the time, grasping every second. As in the case when our children are growing up faster than we had hoped, or when Sunday comes around and goes by too quickly. For some reason, today seemed to be one of those slow days. Though it was only Friday.

Since I worked from home today, I asked my son if he’d like me to bring him lunch. Something other than a cold prosciutto sandwich as he has most days. He liked the idea and I wondered why I didn’t do this more often on the days I worked from home.

When lunchtime was approaching, I made a bean and cheese burrito with avocado and sour cream. At precisely 13,19, he came to the inner front doors and said ‘Danke’ as he grabbed the burrito and Croatian cookies I had added. Then he quickly ran to meet his friends who were waiting for him.

In the meantime, I worked on a report for work and waited until my son returned home from school. Since it was Friday, we didn’t have to make the thirty-minute drive to his off-campus PE. Instead, he had the school dance later in the evening. He talked with friends on his phone and played Mario Cart and a few other games on his Raspberry Pi. He was very proud of his set up in his room which is slowly coming together.

Not long after school was out, his middle sister knocked on the door to come get something from her brother. And to get another piece of the banana bread I still had left over from Wednesday night’s baking. Three of her friends were with her as they all waited at the door. But all were gone within a few minutes.

As the time arrived for my son to leave for the dance, I decided I didn’t need to come along to drop him off. I let him walk the three minutes it took to get across the street, as well as the return walk home. The return being after 21,30. He reported that he had a great time with his friends, but wished they were in band so that he could go with them to Schlitterbahn tomorrow.

As for the time today, the minutes and hours seemed to pass by rather slowly. As if in slow motion. Though I did manage to get a few things organised in the living room, much more time is needed to get things the way I would like to see them. Regardless of how time passes, we should always remember to cherish every moment and be grateful for the time given to us.