
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.




‘A month to move is quite long for something that is really important to you…What are you doing to speed up the process?’ came the reply to my email from the property manager this afternoon.

‘Well, let’s see. I’m sitting on my ass whilst twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the moving fairies to wave their sparkly fairy wands and make all of our furniture and belongings magically transfer from one apartment to the next’ I wanted to say, ‘…as well as watching the fairies set up the furniture and decorate everything so that I have time to make dinner, take the kids to the pool, and work my 40 hours per week’. Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. The email was clearly meant to light a fire under my ass in order for me to move out as quickly as possible as the threat was there in yesterday’s email where they stated I had to vacate the apartment by tomorrow or else I would have to start paying for both apartments.

The reality of moving a family of four, to include all of the items which come along with three children, seems to be lost on the property management. There are endless Lego sets, board games, books, stuffed animals, boxes filled with Mini Brands and Peppa vans, art supplies and loose papers, as well as a myriad of other items that have accumulated over the years. Packing up these items, in addition to the clothes from closets and drawers, will take longer than the 14 days they gave me to move without my having to incur the additional cost of paying for the old apartment.

As for their questioning the speed of my move in that it somehow diminishes its importance to me, that cannot be further from the truth. Most important to me are the lives and health of my children and me. Furniture and other items that I have not yet been able to move are merely possessions not deemed as important as our lives and ability to breathe clean air.

Tonight when my son helped me move the Lego boxes and other items left in his closet, he commented on how quick it was to get used to the smell and how he now realises that it was actually our place that had a foul smell as opposed to other people’s homes. He followed me from one garage to the second one and then to the old apartment and back to the second garage until we finally finished for the evening. I had spent an additional hour and a half after work packing up other items into boxes which I then dropped off at the second garage. Moving everything from three bedrooms to a smaller two bedroom unit requires more space than we have which means storing items in another garage that management gave us for this emergency move.

In between the moves this afternoon, I took my older daughter to Chick-Fil-A where we got food for a quick dinner. As the children know, this is an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence as I neither eat fast food nor make it any kind of habit of buying it for them, preferring to make our meals at home and from scratch. They were very happy for this treat and I was glad to have been able to do this for them. For dessert, I made a smoothie with mixed berries, frozen bananas, milk, and heavy cream. A somewhat healthier alternative to the ice cream we have been enjoying as of late.

At the end of the day, I do what needs to be done according to my schedule and what is best for my children and me. I refuse to have anyone light a fire under my ass, especially when I had no hot water pressure in the shower at the new place tonight. Another adventure awaits me.

P.S. Today’s newly discovered, by me, artist is Kaleo and this song.