
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.




We spent our last night at the guest apartment scrambling to take most of our items up the 39 stairs to our new apartment. I am glad that they were both located in the same building as it made the transition much easier. The rest of the items we left for the next morning.

As we had to vacate by noon, I took an hour for my lunch break today and drove from the old apartment, where I was still working, to the guest apartment to move the remaining few items and to do the final cleanup of the place. The children were awake and the sofa where my middle daughter slept was already put together. I took the white towels from the washer and placed them in the dryer and then washed the last load of dark towels. It’s amazing how many towels we managed to use over the course of seven days but they were all clean when we left.

After leaving the keys on the counter and making sure the children were settled into the new place, I returned to work just in time to log back in to work after an hour. Four hours later, I logged out for the final time that I would have to work from that mold infested apartment and looked forward to being able to breathe cleaner air going forward.

By the time I returned to our new place, the washer and dryer that belonged to the apartment complex were moved out as I had my own which would be delivered another day. My son was on his device in the larger bedroom, though without internet, whilst the girls were outside hanging out with their friend in the neighbouring building. I spent the next 15 minutes rewashing the floors I had previously washed in the morning before I left for work to get rid of the dirt left behind by the furniture dolly wheels and shoes.

Afterwards, I drove with my older daughter to HEB for some snacks to include all the items I would normally not buy them. This was an exception since it was such a difficult and adventurous start to our summer together.

The transition from three bedrooms to two bedrooms will be a challenge but we all are much happier with this place. For me, the most important part is the kitchen where I spend most of my time baking and cooking. Now the children will have more space to cook and bake as well and I look forward to more of those perfect poached eggs that my daughter Cinnamon has mastered.

As the sun set on this second Friday in June, we sat outside on the floor of our balcony, after our dinner inside of twisty pasta with feta and Parmesan, and ate Häagen-Dazs ice cream in cones. I was happy to see how everyone pulled together to make the move as easy as possible. Though the move is far from over, we were able to find a home for us to stay in for a while. At least now we are down from three to two apartments and sets of keys. The adventure continues.
