
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.


The early morning started out dark. The power was out in our house. It was also dark in the neighbourhood, I noted as I opened the door to look outside. I wondered how long it had been out. Improvisations were needed or else nothing would be done.

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and then showered, put on makeup, and prepared breakfast. I planned on us having toasted English muffins but the oven was not working. Cereal was our next best option as we just had yogurt yesterday morning.

As the time came to go awaken the children from their slumber, the power returned. But there was still not enough time to toast the English muffins. They finished their breakfast whilst I put together the lunches and then hurried through my breakfast. Getting used to a new routine will take a while but somehow we make do.

Today I could finish my shift at work with some cooperation in the after school care. But we met the children at the middle school for my daughter's Spring concert where she played the trumpet. Afterwards we stopped by the grocery store for some Haagen Dazs then home to make a later than usual dinner.

We made it through another day of a new routine just slightly more tired than the night before. But the most important part is that we made it together and with a little understanding and combined effort which I hope continues.