
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



ws cookie class

The children were excited to go to the cookie decorating class this morning. On the way to Williams-Sonoma we listened to a handful of new songs from Duran Duran's Paper Gods album which I streamed from YouTube in the car but only after we listened to the new one from Dave Gahan and Soulsavers which my son loves.

The class turned out to be a decorating class featuring pumpkin and bat shaped sugar cookies. I had understood the class was to include baking since the description listed 'baking' as one of the items on the agenda but apparently this was not the case. Most important was that the children enjoyed their time and thanked me profusely all the way to their father's house.

I sent the four songs I found on YouTube to my boyfriend via email and we listened to them this evening on our Skype session. Though we both wished we could have been there together in his living room listening to the songs on the internet television, this was as good as it gets for now.

The music we listened to was quite different from their previous work but we liked it nonetheless. Certainly there are many critics, as seen on the comments on YouTube, who have rather strong opinions to this new sound but one has to understand that artists need to experiment in order to grow and cannot be expected to crank out the same sounds as times before.

A band which has been around for close to four decades will evolve to a certain degree and there will those who like the new sound or not. One has to appreciate a true artist's work and understand where they are coming from in deciding to try something new. Those who feel the need to undermine their efforts need not listen. Certainly this album is nothing like the classics of the 80s but I am glad the band is still around creating beautiful music together.