
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.

THE DAILY TABLE::Friday, Finally

Weekdays blurred into weekends. The end of the year approached quicker than I had realized. I'd often have to check the calendar to verify the date. That was before the kids started going to school. Before days were defined by having to wake up at a certain time - before-the-sun early. A time before the oldest had to be at the bus stop before 7:15h. Until then, the days had no true structure. Now I understand the meaning of looking forward to Friday. And I cherish it. The weekend is finally here. As is a glass of fine Malbec wine.

Saturdays mean the kids will most likely be sleeping in. Which in turn means that I will have uninterrupted precious morning time to think about baking or actually start baking something. Or simply it might mean that I get a chance to read in silence. At least that's what I hope for.

Last night my husband informed me that he might be out of town next week. Today it was confirmed with his booking his trip to Canada...flying out early Monday morning. He's leaving me "holding the bag" alone for Halloween - a day I look forward to passing as quickly as possible. In any case, I found myself at World Market this morning on a mission to buy our yearly Halloween candy. And by candy, I don't mean bags of cheap chocolates. I mean the "good" stuff- mini bags of Haribo gummy bears, mini Hanuta, mini Rittersport chocolates, and Kinder Schoko-Bons. We've always believed in quality over quantity. I hope our kids realize the importance of this one day when they venture out into the world on their own.

I had a chance to photograph that banana cake I made last night. The one that turned out better than expected. The one that is now all gone. As I sliced into the last quarter of the cake and set up the shot, I noticed it - the heart...

That was pretty cool, I thought. My son ate it later in the day. Of course, the lover of cakes gets the heart.

Meals were a bit unstructured today...more than usual. My husband and I had a late lunch of swiss chard "soup" after the kids returned from school. The kids had no interest in that whatsoever.

Lebkuchen appealed to them more, with Cinnamon devouring three of them. If you're not familiar with Lebkuchen, you should try them. They're a traditional spiced cookie seen all over Germany during Christmas. World Market had Christmas items in early this year and my husband always looks forward for that time of year when he can get Lebkuchen. I've never baked them before, but one day I will.

Today I finally got my wish of a cold day. The temperature was in the 50s and at one point it even started to rain. But only for a short while. Sagey slept most of the afternoon after returning from school. Saffron wanted to stay indoors with my iPhone and was not at all into my taking her outside for her daily photo. Cinnamon, on the other hand, wanted to stay outside and play in the cold and the impending darkness. She's starting to take after me more and more. Definitely my daughter.

Dinner was another simple meal of Thai Jasmine rice cooked in water with a little butter and salt. The younger two requested black beans be added to their rice. The older one wanted plain rice. They always ask for feta. Not tonight though. I skipped the rice and had a piece of dark rye bread with Fontal cheese and arugula along with a little of the Malbec wine. Friday is finally here.



THE DAILY TABLE::Soup Weather for Saturday

THE DAILY TABLE::Another Day, Another Cake