
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



Sunday mornings are my favourite time of the week, as I get to spend time in the kitchen making something special. Something which we are able to enjoy without the rush of the other days of the week. When we can drink coffee and take our time eating breakfast instead of leaving some coffee behind and having to devour breakfast within the ten minutes remaining before we both have to rush out the door.

This morning it was crepes with various fillings. One was a sweetened ricotta cheese mixture, made by mixing together whole milk ricotta with lemon zest and sugar. The other was Nutella - my son’s favourite filling, though he also likes the ricotta cheese. Other times we sprinkle sugar onto a crepe and top that with lemon zest and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Or lemon curd. Whipped cream has also been known to make its way on top of the crepes, but today was not one of those times.

By the time my son and sat at the table to enjoy our crepes and Croatian coffee, it was close to 11,30. Our usual time for Sunday breakfasts. The following is my recipe that I call ‘in-between crepes’ as it is the recipe in between the one I developed for us two and the one I came up with when the girls were living here. I also refer to it as the ‘just in case’ recipe version – just in case the girls did happen to come over on a Sunday morning as this version makes about 17 crepes.


In-Between Crepes

makes 17 crepes


              3 large eggs                       

              225g all-purpose flour

              450ml milk

              200ml sparkling water

  3 T caster sugar

              ½ tsp sea salt

             2 T Grand Marnier


                450g whole milk ricotta cheese

                2 lemons, zest only 

             3 T caster sugar






unsalted butter, for the pan



In the blender, combine all ingredients and mix at medium-high speed until combined. Pour batter into a glass bowl and let sit on the counter for at least 30 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the ricotta cheese mixture. In a small bowl, mix together the ricotta cheese, lemon zest, and sugar. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator until crepes are ready.

Heat crepe pan over medium heat. Take pan off heat when making each crepe and coat pan with butter by wiping a pat of butter on a folded-up paper towel. Using a ladle, fill about half the ladle (a regular-sized soup ladle) with batter whilst swirling the pan to make an even layer onto the heated and buttered pan. Cook about 1 to 2 minutes, or until sides are lightly browned. Flip over the crepe and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. Place crepe onto a plate and repeat process until all batter is used up.